How Do I Upgrade the Software of My NodeGrid?

How Do I Upgrade the Software of My Nodegrid?

Note: Be sure to follow the recommended upgrade paths: Nodegrid OS Upgrade Path
To download the required ISOs: Downloading Firmware Update

Steps for the Nodegrid software upgrade via WebUI

From browsers, log into NodeGrid unit

Click on "System"

Click on "Toolkit"

Click on "Software Upgrade"

Select on "Local Computer"

Click "Browse"

Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the firmware update file

Click "Upgrade" button

You will get a pop up tell you that the system will reboot and all active sessions will be dropped.  Click "OK" to continue

Firmware will update and unit will reboot (this will take a couple minutes)


Once logged in, click on your user name and select "About" from the dropdown menu

Confirm that firmware is the right version

Your firmware update is complete


If you need to downgrade to a previous version of the Nodegrid software, two options are available:

Restore to factory default
Restore configuration

Note: To use the restore configuration option, the Nodegrid software version must match the version used to created the restoration file. Example: If the configuration file is was created in version 4.2 and Nodegrid is currently on version 5.0, Nodegrid must be downgraded to version 4.2 before the restoration file can be used.


Steps for the NodeGrid Software upgrade via CLI

1. Follow the steps for Downloading Firmware Update and save the ISO file to one of these locations:
      a. into a Remote Server such as FTP, SSH, HTTP.
      b. into the NodeGrid, to the /var/sw directory:
            i. transfer the iso file using scp - example: scp nodegrid.iso admin@nodegrid:/var/sw/
            ii. copy the iso file to a USB flash drive and plug it to a Nodegrid USB port. Log in as admin to Nodegrid and launch the root shell (shell sudo su -).  Then cd to
                /run/media/sdb or /run/media/sdb1 directory. Then copy the iso file to /var/sw folder. 

2. Access the Nodegrid via ssh, local port (Console or HDMI port), or telnet (if enabled), and log in as admin.

3. Type the following:
     cd /system/toolkit/
     set image_location=local_system
     set filename=<image_file>
- OR - 
     cd /system/toolkit/
     set image_location=remote_server 
     set url=<protocol://ServerAddress/image_file>
     set username=<user>
     set password=<password>

Note: For the URL, the supported protocols are FTP, SFTP, TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and SCP.

Local System
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /system/toolkit/
[admin@nodegrid toolkit]# software_upgrade
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set image_location=local_system
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set filename=NodeGrid_Platform_v3.2.38_20170520.iso
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# upgrade

Using FTP server
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /system/toolkit
[admin@nodegrid toolkit]# software_upgrade
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set image_location=remote_server url=
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set username=john 
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set password=john1234 
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# upgrade

Using SCP server
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /system/toolkit
[admin@nodegrid toolkit]# software_upgrade
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set image_location=remote_server 
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set url=scp://
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set username=jane.jane 
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set password=janepasswd
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# upgrade 

Using HTTPS server
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /system/toolkit
[admin@nodegrid toolkit]# software_upgrade
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set image_location=remote_server url=
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# set username=superuser password=superuserpassword
[admin@nodegrid {toolkit}]# upgrade

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