General Recommended Troubleshooting Steps for NSC Hardware Issues

General Recommended Troubleshooting Steps for NSC Hardware Issues

If non-responsive via Console:

  • Note: Console LED will not light up until Nodegrid OS is running
  1. Verify terminal software (i.e. putty, SecureCRT, minicom, etc) is set to:

    1. 115200bps

    2. 8 bits

    3. No parity

    4. 1 stop bit

    5. No flow control

    6. Correct COM port (on Windows) or device (on Mac/unix) is selected

  2. Verify console cable is connected at both NSC and terminal/laptop

    1. Sometimes reseating the cable on both ends can help

  3. Swap console cable with known working cable

  4. Try to access BIOS to see if Console responds to keyboard input:

    1. Shutdown system

    2. Power on system

    3. After beep/screen clear, press Esc and/or Del to access BIOS

  5. Attempt direct access by connecting HDMI monitor and USB keyboard:

    1. Power cycle unit while connected to HDMI and watch for boot output

    2. If there is output, attempt to interact with the system via the USB keyboard

      1. USB keyboard can be plugged into any USB port

  6. Test the console setup (laptop/cable/etc) with another device to verify that it is working as expected

If no response on Console or HDMI/keyboard using an otherwise working setup, the unit will require RMA

If unable to access target device on one or more serial ports:

  1. Follow steps in KB: How to troubleshoot RS232 serial connections

If system is responding on Console and non-responsive via network:

  1. Verify network configuration from admin interface:
    1. Navigate to network connections: cd /settings/network_connections
    2. Get current settings and status: show
  2. If network status is down, check the hardware connections:
    1. Verify the link is detected: ethtool eth0 | grep Link
      • Check if the link LED is lit on the affected network port
      • Replace eth0 with eth1 to check ETH1 link state
    2. Verify network cable connected at both NSC and switch
    3. Reseat the network cable on both ends
      1. (Fiber only) Also reseat the transceivers
    4. Swap network cable with known working cable
    5. (Fiber only) Swap transceiver with known good transceiver
      1. Verify the same type of transceiver is being used on both sides
      2. Verify supported transceivers are being used: What SFP transceivers are supported by Nodegrid appliances?
    6. Move network cable to another switch port
    7. If cause is not identified, factory reset and reconfigure
  3. If network status is up, verify the basic network configurations:
    1. Verify IP address and subnet mask are accurate
    2. Access shell: shell sudo su -
    3. Verify that there are no firewall rules preventing the connections:
      1. For IPv4: iptables -L
      2. For IPv6: ip6tables -L
    4. Try to ping a known public IP, such as Google DNS: ping
    5. Try to ping the default gateway
      • To identify default gateway: ip route | grep default
    6. Test DNS lookups, example: nslookup
    7. Check if web server listening on port 80 and 443: netstat -lanp | grep -E ":::80|:::443"
      • Two lines should be displayed ending with /httpd
      • If service is not running: create case by emailing ZPE Support (support@zpesystems.comso we can troubleshoot why the process is not running
    8. Check if SSH server is listening on port 22: netstat -lanp | grep :::22
      • One line should display ending with /sshd
      • If service is not running: create case by emailing ZPE Support ( so we can troubleshoot why the process is not running
    9. If cause is not identified, factory reset and reconfigure
  4. If still not working after above steps: create case by emailing ZPE Support ( so we can help troubleshoot your specific networking needs

If system is responding on Console and cannot boot to CLI:

  1. If system boots directly into BIOS with no keyboard input: reset the CMOS
  2. If the Console displays "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key"
    1. Boot into the BIOS and check if the SSD is detected:
      1. Shutdown system
      2. Power on system
      3. After beep/screen clear, press Esc and/or Del to access BIOS
      4. Navigate to the Boot page
      5. Navigate down to the boot options and review the entry for 'Hard Drive' to see if a vendor is listed
        1. Note: A lack of detection can be caused by BIOS settings not matching how the OS is installed, to fix this: Load BIOS defaults and then reinstall Nodegrid OS from USB
        2. If drive is still not detected, the unit will require RMA
    2. Try reseating the SSD
      1. Disconnect all power connections
      2. Remove the cover of the unit by remove the four screws on the top and two on each side of the unit. Cover should lift up easily.
      3. Locate the SSD: Look for an mSATA drive connected to the main board
      4. Reseat the mSATA:
        1. Remove the screw holding it in place; the drive should pop up at a 45° angle
        2. Gently remove and reinsert mSATA at a 45° angle
        3. Press the mSATA back into place and reinstall the screw
  3. If the boot process reaches the GRUB menu and normal boot fails after this point:
    1. Try Rescue mode to check for SSD issues:
      1. Select Nodegrid Platform x.x Arcus - Rescue Mode mode from the GRUB menu
      2. Verify the prompt shows: bash-5.0#
      3. Review upgrade logs for possible errors: located in /var/upgradeBackup/image_install.*
      4. Check SSD for possible issues:
        1. Check for errors via smartctl: smartctl -a /dev/sda
        2. Check for partition errors: fdisk -l /dev/sda
      5. Share any outputs of concern by creating case by emailing ZPE Support ( for review
    2. Gather data from Verbose mode:
      1. Select Nodegrid Platform x.x Arcus - (verbose) from the GRUB menu
      2. Wait until there is no further progress for an hour
      3. Note: There are a few situations where a long boot time is expected, particularly after upgrading if a database needs to be converted
      4. Copy the output, especially the last few lines, and create case by emailing ZPE Support ( so we can determine why the boot is not completing

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