How to setup Data Logging for one or more Devices with Alerts

How to setup Data Logging for one or more Devices with Alerts

One can receive alerts via EMAIL, SYSLOG, SNMP trap or all. These alerts will be based on the strings being monitored on the serial port.

Configuration via WebUI:
  1. Login as admin and go to Managed Devices
  2. Select the device and click Logging
    1. Note: Multiple devices of the same type can be selected by checking each box and then clicking Edit
  3. Check the Data Logging and Enable data logging alerts for the port
  4. Add the string you need to receive the alert for in the Data String option available
  5. Click Save
  6. Go to Auditing and select Destinations to configure alerts
    1. Details available here: Auditing and Data Logging Settings
Note: When the string shows up in the serial session, it will trigger the event to send the alert to the configured destinations.

To access Data Logging from WebUI:
  1. Go to Access page
  2. Select the target device
  3. Click Data log

Configuration via CLI:
  1. Log in as admin in CLI (telnet/ssh/console)
  2. Navigate to /settings/devices/<Device_Name>/logging
  3. Use the set command to change the data_logging value to yes or no
  4. Commit the changes
Basic Data Logging settings:
[admin@nodegrid / ] # /settings/devices/Device_console/logging/
[admin@nodegrid / ] # set data_logging=yes
[admin@nodegrid / ] commit

To access Data Logging from CLI:
  1. Log in as admin in CLI (telnet/ssh/console)
  2. Navigate to /settings/devices/<Device_Name>
  3. Use the command access_log_audit
[admin@nodegrid / ] # /settings/devices/Device_console/
[admin@nodegrid / ] # access_log_audit

NFS settings:
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /settings/auditing/destinations/file/
[admin@nodegrid file]# set destination=nfs
[+admin@nodegrid file]# set nfs_server=<server>
[+admin@nodegrid file]# set nfs_path=<path/filename>
[+admin@nodegrid file]# commit

Optional NFS parameters:
set nfs_file_size=  
set nfs_archive_by_time=
set number_of_archives=

Syslog settings:
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /settings/auditing/destinations/syslog/
[admin@nodegrid syslog]# set ipv4_remote_server=yes ipv4_address=<server>
[+admin@nodegrid syslog]# set datalog_facility=log_local_0
[+admin@nodegrid syslog]# commit

SNMP Trap settings via CLI:
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /settings/auditing/destinations/snmptrap/
[admin@nodegrid snmptrap]# set snmptrap_server=<server>
[+admin@nodegrid snmptrap]# set snmptrap_version=<version>

Optional SNMP parameters:

Optional SNMPv2c parameters:

Optional SNMPv3 parameters:

Follow the link for how-to-video Data Logging Alerts
Note: The raw Data Logging data is stored in /var/local/DB.