Auditing and Data Logging Settings

Auditing and Data Logging Settings

The Auditing feature allows the data and event logging to be stored locally or remotely via NFS which is sent by an Email or a SNMP Trap or sent through a Syslog server.
Data Logging captures Data string coming from and going to Target devices as well as from the Nodegrid system.

Configuration via WebUI:
  1. Log in as admin to the Nodegrid WebUI
  2. Go to Auditing
  3. Options on the Settings tab:
    1. Timestamp Format can be set to UTC or Local Time under Event Settings section
    2. The Data Logging Settings section gives option for data to be sent to a file destination or a syslog destination or both
    3. Add a timestamp on every line logged uses the configured Timestamp Format
    4. Note: It is important to enable at least one of the destination in the Data Logging Settings.
    5. On Nodgrid OS 5.x and newer:
      1. Enable Persistent Logs can be selected and then specific logs can be specified in the Log Files field
  4. Options on the Events :: Events List tab:
    1.  Edit one or more events to select an Action Script to trigger when that event occurs
    2. This page also displays the Category associated with each specific Event Number
  5. Options on the Events :: Categories tab:
    1. Select one of the destinations (ZPE Cloud, Email, File, SNMP Trap, or Syslog) to select which events are sent to that destination
    2. This page also displays the current event types sent to each destination
  6. Options on the Destinations :: File tab:
    1. Destination
      1. Local (default)
        1. File Size (KB)
        2. Number of Archives
        3. Archive by Time [HH:MM]
      2. NFS
        1. NFS Server IP
        2. NFS path
        3. File Size (KB) (up to 99999)
        4. Number of Archives (up to 99)
        5. NFS Archive by Time [HH:MM]
        6. The limit on how much data the server will be able to store depends on the server's hardware capacity.
  7. Options on the Destinations :: Syslog tab:
    1. System Console (default)
    2. Admin Session
    3. IPv4 Remote Server
    4. IPv6 Remote Server
    5. Event Facility
    6. Data Logging Facility
  8. Options on the Destinations :: SNMPTrap tab:
    1. SNMP Engine ID (display only)
    2. Server (default
    3. Transport Protocol
      1. UDP-IPv4 (default)
      2. TCP-IPv4
      3. UDP-IPv6
      4. TCP-IPv6
    4. Port (default 162)
    5. Client Address
    6. Trap Version
      1. Version 2c (default)
        1. Community (default Public)
      2. Version 3
        1. User Name (default secname)
        2. Security Level
          1. noAuthNoPriv (default)
          2. authNoPriv
          3. authPriv
        3. Authentication Algorithm
          1. SHA (default)
          2. MD5
        4. Authentication Password
        5. Privacy Algorithm:
          1. AES (default)
          2. DES
        6. Privacy Passphrase
  9. Options on the Destinations :: Email tab:
    1. Test Email
    2. Server
    3. Port (default 25)
    4. Username
    5. Password
    6. Confirm Password
    7. Destination Email
    8. Sender
    9. Start TLS

Configuration via CLI:

    NFS settings:
    [admin@nodegrid /]# cd /settings/auditing/destinations/file/
    [admin@nodegrid file]# set destination=nfs
    [+admin@nodegrid file]# set nfs_server=<server>
    [+admin@nodegrid file]# set nfs_path=<path/filename>
    [+admin@nodegrid file]# commit

    Optional NFS parameters:
    set nfs_file_size=  
    set nfs_archive_by_time=
    set number_of_archives=

    Syslog settings:
    [admin@nodegrid /]# cd /settings/auditing/destinations/syslog/
    [admin@nodegrid syslog]# set ipv4_remote_server=yes ipv4_address=<server>
    [+admin@nodegrid syslog]# set datalog_facility=log_local_0
    [+admin@nodegrid syslog]# commit

    SNMP Trap settings via CLI:
    [admin@nodegrid /]# cd /settings/auditing/destinations/snmptrap/
    [admin@nodegrid snmptrap]# set snmptrap_server=<server>
    [+admin@nodegrid snmptrap]# set snmptrap_version=<version>

    Optional SNMP parameters:

    Optional SNMPv2c parameters:

    Optional SNMPv3 parameters:

    Follow the link for how-to-video Auditing and Data Logging Settings