NodeGrid Serial Console
Deleting extra USB port for quad Uart
Introduction: When using the USB connections for serial access, with a quad UART only a few ports are used. It is a good idea to remove extra ports defined so that extra licenses can be freed. For the quad UART 4 licenses are used when it is ...
How to setup a Console Dial in connection in NodeGrid to access CLI
NodeGrid devices support M2-Modem (Analog Modem with M.2 Interface) that can be installed in LSR, BSR, GSR, NSR and NSCP devices NodeGrid can be configured to support dial in access to the CLI To setup a Dial In access to NodeGrid CLI, follow the ...
General Recommended Troubleshooting Steps for NSC Hardware Issues
If non-responsive via Console: Note: Console LED will not light up until Nodegrid OS is running Verify terminal software (i.e. putty, SecureCRT, minicom, etc) is set to: 115200bps 8 bits No parity 1 stop bit No flow control Correct COM port (on ...
Change the column size in console port session for cli and shell in Nodegrid
The current default settings for columns is 80, so CLI commands with long parameters and values, or shell commands outputs get wrapped around, and sometimes, it makes hard to see them properly. A workaround is to set the columns to be larger than the ...
Steps to troubleshoot serial ports on NodeGrid Serial Console
1) Open ssh session and login as admin user 2) Verify serial statistics of specific port: show system/serial_statistics/<port number> a) Example of port 7 [admin@nodegrid /]# show system/serial_statistics/7 7 port: 7 device name: cisco speed: 115200 ...
NodeGrid TxxS air flow direction
NodeGrid Serial Console S series The NodeGrid TxxS has 2 cooling fans to dissipate heat from the unit. There are 2 air flow configurations: -B : Back to Front - meaning Air Out (air exhaust) -F : Front to Back - meaning Air In (air intake) The fans ...
PPP DialUp connection in NodeGrid Serial Console
NodeGrid Serial Console supports DialUp via USB modems. It does not support via serial ports. You can plug any USB modem such as Zoom or USRobotics to any of the NodeGrid Serial Console USB ports. Then, follow the steps below: a. Log in as ...
How to Configure Nodegrid Serial Ports
To configure the serial ports of your Nodegrid Serial Console, follow the guideline steps below. WebUI Log in as admin to the Nodegrid Serial Console Web interface. Go to Managed Devices page. Select the serial ports you want to configure, or check ...
How to Telnet and SSH to the Nodegrid Serial Ports
Note: by default, Telnet access is turned off with your Nodegrid Serial Console. Authorized users can use Telnet or SSH to connect directly to the console of a managed device if all of the following are true: Telnet / SSH protocol is enabled under ...
Power Control within Serial Session
Nodegrid Serial Console features the Power Control integration which gives authorized users the ability to power on, power off and reset/reboot the serial devices, within the serial session, by using an escape character (default escape character is ...
Nodegrid Serial Console: Pinouts, Cables and Connectors
The tables below show the serial port pinout information of the NSC TxxR (Cisco Pinout) and NSC Txx (Legacy Pinout). NSC TxxR - Cisco-like Pinout Pin Signal Name Input/Output 1 CTS IN 2 DCD IN 3 RxD IN 4 GND N/A 5 GND N/A 6 TxD OUT 7 DTR OUT 8 RTS ...