What is the Nodegrid GSR and LSR Appliances' Harmonized Code and ECCN Number?

What is the Nodegrid GSR and LSR Appliances' Harmonized Code and ECCN Number?

What is the Nodegrid GSR and LSR Appliances' Harmonized Code and ECCN Number?

The Nodegrid GSR and LSR appliances have the following HS code and ECCN information:

Harmonized code HS (Schedule B) 8517.18.0000
      For Russia, use HS 8471.80.00
      For Taiwan, use HS 8517.62.00005
      For Mexico, use HS 8517.62.17
ECCN number is 5A002
ZPE's CCATS number is G182777
Country of Origin: Taiwan

Designed in: USA

For additional HS code, requirements & environmental policies, please visit: 
