Web Access via HTML5 with Browser Extension Forwarder

Web Access via HTML5 with Browser Extension Forwarder

For the managed devices with web access enabled, users can launch the WEB in different ways, and one of them is via Browser Extension Forwarder.

HTML5 with Browser Extension Forwarder option is the latest feature that redirects the URL to a web server and offers the same behavior as the HTML5 frame (the default option for web). This option also allows user to view the managed device’s web interface in full-screen mode as apposed to a windowed frame.

To accomplish this, select 'Browser Extension Forwarder' method for the Launch URL via HTML5 in the manage device's Access settings.
Note that when you select this option, there is a message informing that This option requires the plugin installed on your browser.

Chrome Extension

  1. Click on "Add to Chrome" and that's it.

Mozilla/Firefox Extension

  1. Access the URL https://nodegrid_url/assets/plugins/nodegrid_web_access_extension-1.3-fx.xpi.
  2. If the installation does not happen automatically, access configurations -> extensions (ctrl + shift + a)
  3. Click the gear icon on the right top - > Install from file...
  4. Search for the downloaded file

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