1) Open ssh session and login as admin user
2) Verify serial statistics of specific port: show
system/serial_statistics/<port number>
a) Example of port 7
[admin@nodegrid /]# show system/serial_statistics/7
port: 7
device name: cisco
speed: 115200
rx bytes: 33829054
tx bytes: 165883
rs-232 signals: RTS DTR
cts shift: 1563
dcd shift: 2520
frame error: 0
overrun: 0
parity error: 0
break: 260
buffer overrun: 0
b) ‘Rx bytes’ is not equal zero: target device sent chars
to NodeGrid (unknown time)
3) Reset serial statistics of specific port and confirm:
a) cd systems/serial_statistics
b) reset_statistics <port number>
c) show <port number>
d) Example for port 7:
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd system/serial_statistics/
[admin@nodegrid serial_statistics]# reset_statistics 7
[admin@nodegrid serial_statistics]# show 7
port: 7
device name: cisco
speed: 115200
rx bytes: 0
tx bytes: 0
rs-232 signals: RTS DTR
cts shift: 0
dcd shift: 0
frame error: 0
overrun: 0
parity error: 0
break: 0
buffer overrun: 0
4) Disable specific managed device, and commit
a) set /settings/devices/<device_name>/access/ mode=disabled
b) commit
c) Example for device ‘cisco’ (that is in serial port
number 7 as showed in serial-statistics)
[admin@nodegrid /]# set settings/devices/cisco/access/ mode=disabled
[+admin@nodegrid /]# commit
5) Open another session to NodeGrid and log-in as root
a) Launch ‘microcom’ at shell prompt that opens
communication with the serial port:
microcom -s
<speed> /dev/ttyS<port_number>
b) Try to communicate with device (to close microcom type
c) Example for port number 7 - speed 115200 (as showed in
serial statistics)
root@nodegrid:~# microcom -s 115200 /dev/ttyS7
cisco login:
If output shows garbage, stop microcosm (Ctrl-X) and try again with different
6) Verify port serial statistics in admin session (step 2)
a) show
system/serial_statistics/<port number>
b) Example for port 7 - no problem (rx bytes not equal 0
and there is no error)
[admin@nodegrid /]# show /system/serial_statistics/7
port: 7
device name: cisco
speed: 115200
rx bytes: 282
tx bytes: 5
rs-232 signals: RTS CTS DTR DSR CD
cts shift: 3
dcd shift: 2
frame error: 0
overrun: 0
parity error: 0
break: 0
buffer overrun: 0
7) Enable specific managed device after, and commit
a) set /settings/devices/<device_name>/access/ mode=enabled
b) commit
c) Example for device ‘cisco’ (that is in serial port
number 7 as showed in serial-statistics)
[admin@nodegrid /]# set settings/devices/cisco/access/ mode=enabled
[+admin@nodegrid /]# commit
3. Errors (including buffer overrun) indicates a mismatch
in the serial port config (i.e. parity, data bits, stop bits).