The CLI command to add a login banner message with multiple lines, can be entered all on a single line. This is sometimes required when using automation tools. The 'set banner=' command requires the text to be inside double quotes and the linefeed/carriage-return escape code to use a double backslash ā\\nā
For example: (all one line) Please note, there is a space between the set command and the banner= command
[admin@nodegrid /]# set /settings/system_preferences/ banner="WARNING This private system is provided for authorized use only and it may be\\nmonitored for all lawful purposes to ensure its use. All information\\nincluding personal information, placed on or sent over this system may be\\nmonitored and recorded. Use of this system, authorized or unauthorized, \\nconstitutes consent to monitoring your session. Unauthorized use may \\nsubject you to criminal prosecution. Evidence of any such unauthorized \\nuse may be used for administrative, criminal and/or legal actions. \\n"
Manual entry, example:
[admin@nodegrid /]#
[admin@nodegrid /]# cd /settings/system_preferences/
[admin@nodegrid system_preferences]# set banner="WARNING This private system is provided for authorized use only and it may be\\nmonitored for all lawful purposes to ensure its use. All information\\nincluding personal information, placed on or sent over this system may be\\nmonitored and recorded. Use of this system, authorized or unauthorized, \\nconstitutes consent to monitoring your session. Unauthorized use may \\nsubject you to criminal prosecution. Evidence of any such unauthorized \\nuse may be used for administrative, criminal and/or legal actions. \\n"
[admin@nodegrid system_preferences]# commit

$ ssh root@
WARNING This private system is provided for authorized use only and it may be
monitored for all lawful purposes to ensure its use. All information
including personal information, placed on or sent over this system may be
monitored and recorded. Use of this system, authorized or unauthorized,
constitutes consent to monitoring your session. Unauthorized use may
subject you to criminal prosecution. Evidence of any such unauthorized
use may be used for administrative, criminal and/or legal actions.
Password: _