As far as the NodeGrid software's networking services, it comes with some security in mind, but it still is not as closed as some network policies require.
This can be accomplished by changing the services settings in Security :: Services page per your needs.
Select/unselect the following checkboxes to enable/disable the following services:
- Enable detection of USB devices
- Enable RPC
- Enable FTP Service
- Enable SNMP Service
- Enable Telnet Service to NodeGrid
- Enable Telnet Service to Managed Devices
- Enable ICMP echo reply
- Enable Automatic Cloud Enrollment
- Enable Zero Touch Provisioning
- Enable PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment)
- Enable Autodiscovery
- Enable HTTP access
- Enable VM Serial access
- Enable HTTPS access
Check/uncheck these options
* Device access enforced via user group authorization
* DHCP lease controlled by autodiscovery rules
* SSH allow root access
* Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Keep / change these TCP ports
SSH TCP Port: 22
Cloud TCP Port: 9966
VM Serial Port: 9977
HTTP Port: 80
HTTPS Port: 443
Select these options
SSH Version:1 | 2 | 1,2 | 2,1
Cryptographic Protocols: TLSv1.2 | TLSv1.1 | TLSv1
Cipher Suite Level: High | Medium | Low | Custom
An example of the Services settings to make your NodeGrid more secure:
* Disable ICMP echo reply
* Disable HTTP access
* Enable HTTPS (or disable it so there will be no access via WebUI)
* Disable Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
* Disable SSH allow root access
* Use SSH version 2 only
* Use Cryptographic Protocol TLSv1.2
* Use High Cipher Suite Level
* Disable Telnet Service to NodeGrid
* Disable Telnet Service to Managed Devices
Additionally, have the following settings:
- if configuring the NodeGrid Serial Console, uncheck 'Allow Telnet protocol' parameter, and check 'Allow SSH protocol' and enter a TCP port such as 30xx or 80xx.
- change root and admin passwords.
- set authentication with a Remote Authentication server such as Radius, Tacacs and LDAP/AD (in Security :: Authentication)
- enable 'Device access enforced via user group authorization' in Services, and then set Authorization, so authorized users or groups have different permissions.
- configure some Firewall rules (in Security :: Firewall).
- create a checksum of your current configuration as a reference, and compare it from time to time, to see if nothing has changed without authorization (Systems :: Toolkit :: System Configuration Checksum)