Creating a Dashboard

How to: Add OpenSearch Temperature visualization to Nodegrid

The Dashboard (WebUI only) allows visual presentations of Event activities, Managed Device details, and data monitoring. Multiple dashboards can be created for different purposes. For example, one to monitor managed device data points (i.e., Power Consumption, Voltage, Current, Temperature, Fan speed, etc.) Another dashboard can monitor Nodegrid events such as authentication failures, login, and logout.

This document assumes a Temperature (Temp&Hum or AirFlow&Temp) sensor has been installed in a USB port on Nodegrid and that has been collecting data.

Install and Configure Sensor

Insert a Temperature and Humidity (T&H) or Airflow and Temperature (A&T) sensor into a USB port on a NodeGrid Device.

The sensor will be automatically discovered and shown on:

Access WebUI

Managed Devices

Enable Monitoring for the USB Sensor

Navigate to Managed Devices :: Devices :: AirFlowTemperature :: Management

Check USB Sensor under the Monitoring section.

Configure interval, 30 seconds in the screen below, 120 seconds is default.

Configure Air Temperature (AirFlowTemperature_cn1) channel 1 to Fahrenheit and Save

Navigate to Managed Devices :: Devices :: AirFlowTemperature :: Sensor Channels and identity the channel 0 as the sensor for Air Velicity and channel 1 for Air Temperature.

Select AirFlowTemperature_cn1 and configure it for Fahrenheit degrees, save changes.

Dashboard configuration

Create a Discover Search

Log in to NodeGrid WebUI and Navigate to Dashboard.

Click on Discover and then Change the Index Pattern from ‘*_date_*’ to ‘logstash-*’

It will display the reading for channel 0 (air flow in this sample) and channel 1 (temperature)

From the Available fields, add the type_instance by hovering over and clicking on the (+) sign

Click the type_instance on the Selected fields section, and remove the AirFlowTemperature_cn0 since this is the Air speed. This will leave the search with only the AirFlowTemperature_cn1, temperature readings.

From the Available fields, add the value by hovering over and clicking on the (+) sign

The search will show datapoint with Time, type_instance (Temp only) and its value

Click Save and Input a name

Create a Visualization

From OpenSearch Dashboards select Visualize

Click on Create visualization

Select Line

Select source, in this case the OpenSearch created in the section above called Temp

For Y-axis Aggregation select Median

For Field Select value

Input the Custom label Temp (F)


In the section Buckets, click the Add button, and select X-axis and select the Aggregation as Date Histogram

Then click Update

The page will be updated and show something similar like this:

Click the Save button

Input the Visualization name and then press Save

Edit Nodegrid Dashboard to add visualization

Click Dashboard

Edit the Nodegrid Dashboard

Click Add

Select the Temp Visualization (you can add the Discovery Search as well)

Then click Save

Select the Title Nodegrid

Click Save

Dashboard will be shown as follows:

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