Enabling Hostname Detection

Enabling Hostname Detection

Hostname Detection allows automatic discovery of target devices based on login banners and prompt. Discovered hostname will be used as target name in system.

Configuration via WebUI

1. Login as admin and go to Access.
2. Select the port. For an example ttyS1 which is a default port name for port number one.
3. Click Console button and it will take you to the console session of that device.
4. It shows the existing hostname of the device
5. Go back to WebUI and Managed Devices.
6. Click the port name to go into settings of that port.
7. Select Enable Hostname Detection option.
8. Click Save.
9. Go back to Access page to confirm that port ttyS1 has been renamed to the device's hostname.

Configuration via CLI

1. Log in as admin in CLI (via telnet/ssh/console)
2. Navigate to /settings/devices/<Device_Name>/access
3. Set enable_hostname_detection to yes
4. Save the changes with commit

[admin@nodegrid / ] # /settings/devices/Device_console/access/
[admin@nodegrid / ] # set enable_hostname_detection=yes
[admin@nodegrid / ] commit

By doing so, administrative overhead will be less and there will not be any need to change it manually.
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