Default Users of the NodeGrid

Default Users of the NodeGrid

The Nodegrid OS comes with 3 default users:  

  • - The “admin” user 

That provides full access to all features and functions, on the Web Interface as well as on the CLI. It can login via the Console, via SSH, WebUI and API. From the CLI, admin user can switch to SHELL, but with limited privileges. Default password: admin

  • - The “root” user: 

      That has by default only access via console. It may also have SHELL access to the Linux OS via ssh. It does not have access to the web interface. When switching to CLI, root user is just a regular user. Default password: root

  • - The “ansible” user:  

      That is for internal use, for systems to systems automation. It has SHELL and CLI access, and webUI access.


Telnet service is disabled by default. SSH root access is disabled by default.  

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