How to setup Data Logging for one or more Devices to save data locally

How to setup Data Logging for one or more Devices to save data locally

Data logs capture all information send to a device and coming from a device. You can choose to store the logs locally or remotely.

Configuration via WebUI:

1. Login as admin and navigate to Managed Devices
2. Select the target device and go to Logging
3. Enable Data logging option and Click Save
4. Go to Access page and select the target device and you will see Data log tab in dialogue for the device
5. To open the pdf for the logs click Data log

Configuration via CLI :

1. Log in as admin in CLI (telnet/ssh/console)
2. Navigate to /settings/devices/<Device_Name>logging
3. Use the set command to change the data_logging value to yes or no
4. Commit the changes

[admin@nodegrid / ] # /settings/devices/Device_console/logging/
[admin@nodegrid / ] # set data_logging=yes
[admin@nodegrid / ] commit

To access 

Follow the link for how to video Data Logging
Note: The raw Data Logging data is stored in /var/local/DB.
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