Perform the steps below to create a visualization, graphing the data collected.
1. Click on Visualize:
2. Select a Line chart:
3. Select a search source by clicking on ‘From a new search’.
4. Select ‘logstash-*’ as index pattern.
5. Select the data points you want to visualize by entering a search expression such as ‘host:”<device name>”’ in the search field.
The search expression can be extended to be more selective.
6. Click on the arrow to the left of Y-Axis to expand it.
7. Select ‘Average’ for Aggregation and ‘value’ for Field.
8. Click on X-Axis.
9. Select ‘Date Histogram’ as Aggregation. Leave Field and Interval as default.
If you just want your visualization to be a single-line graph, skip to step 18, as the next steps will split the data point set into a multi-line graph.
10. Click on Add sub-buckets to add multiple data points.
11. Click on Split Lines.
12. Select Filters as Sub Aggregation.
13. Enter a search expression to select the element you want to visualize.
14. Optionally, associate a label by clicking on the settings icon.
15. And provide the label.
16. Click on Add Filter to add another element to the visualization.
17. Repeat steps 13 to 16 to add all desirable elements.
18. Click on the the green arrow to refresh the graph based on the configuration provided.
19. The graph should now reflect the configuration provided.
20. Click on the Save icon to save the visualization.
21. Provide a title for the visualization and click on Save.