1. Overview
TACACS+ is a protocol that handles authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) services.
Follow these steps to add a tacacs+ server in the Nodegrid.
We will use for the test a NSCP (Nodegrid Serial Console Plus), and an Ubuntu Server (18.04) executing a tacacs+ server.
(1) and (4): Laptop accessing the Nodegrid (in https).
(2) and (3): Nodegrid passes the login request to TACACS+ server for authentication. The TACACS+ server determines whether to allow access to the Nodegrid, and with what level of privilege.
We will use for the test an Ubuntu Server (18.04) executing a tacacs+ server. Its tacacs configuration, as an example, is shown below:
We have defined 2 groups:
- tadmin, with privilege 15, containing one user: "joe".
- read, with privilege 1, containing one user: "gill".

You can check the syntax of the tacacs configuration, by typing: sudo service tacacs_plus check
Check the status of the tacacs+ server, by doing: systemctl status tacacs_plus (the status given should be in green color, in state "active").
Then, on the Nodegrid, configure as below:
2. In Web UI, using User Level:
Go to Security:: Authentication:: Servers, and select the Method "TACACS+" .
The fields Remote Server and Accounting Server correspond to the IP address of our Ubuntu Server. The Service, "raccess" has to match the one of the Tacacs+ server.
Enter and confirm the secret shared with the Tacacs+ server, and select the appropriate TACACS+ Version (usually "V1", when facing an Cisco ISE server):
Then, enable and fill-in the User-Level attribute association to the local groups:
In our case, we are matching:
- the tacacs+ admin group "tadmin" (of privilege 15), to the local Nodegrid admin group "admin".
- the tacacs+ admin group "read" (of privilege 1), to the local Nodegrid user group "Operator"
user added in the TACACS+ as joe will be able to login as shown in the
image below:
Configuration in CLI:
Login as admin in cli and type this commands,
[admin@nodegrid /]# add settings/authentication/servers/
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set fallback_if_denied_access=yes
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set method=tacacs+
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set remote_server=
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_accounting_server=
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_secret=secretkey
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_service=raccess
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_retries=2
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_timeout=2
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_version = v1
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_enable_user-level = yes
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_user_level_1 = Operator
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# set tacacs_plus_user_level_15 = admin
Type show command to confirm your configuration
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# show
Once you confirm the details, configuration needs to be saved
[admin@nodegrid {servers}]# commit
one will see the tacacs+ server added to the Nodegrid.
After typing set command one can tap tab key twice to see all the available option for configuration.

Note: Default authentication service is raccess ( can be changed as needed )
Default value for retries and timeout is 2 ( can be changed as needed )
Default port is 49
3. In Web UI and TACACS+, to provide group level to be used in Nodegrid OS:
You can map 2 distinct groups on your TACACS+ server, with the same level of privilege, to 2 distinct groups on the Nodegrid OS.
For that, go to In Security :: Authentication :: Servers :: 1, unselect the field “Enable User-Level attribute of Shell and raccess services association to local authorization group”.
On the TACACS+, server, add the attribute group_name in the groups:
In Security :: Authorization :: Network_Admin :: Remote Groups, in the Nodegrid groups add the said groups under “Remote Group”.