Having the defined custom fields in the "Access" page allows the user to isolate the target device and using the search option to find the unit in the UI quicker.
For an example of the "Device-Loc" to indicate the device location which will helps locating the individual target device beside the unit name.
To enabled this column view on the the "Access" page.
1. Log into the WEB UI then in the "Managed Devices::Preferences::Views" add to the "Custom Columns:" name of the column with space separated.
This action gives the option for selecting the column view in the "Access" page.
2. For each of the target device that wants to use the column with it custom value. In the WEB UI "Managed devices::Devices" select the device that the column name needs to be added then on the "Custom Fields" tab then click "Add", make sure that the "Field Name:" value matches exactly the column name added in previous step because it is case sensitive.
Save the changes.
3. To view the column in the "Access" page open the WEB UI to the "Access" and in the far right at the Nodegrid name row there is "Column" to select the column to be viewed in the page. this is a pull down menu that will list all the defaults and new custom columns name.
Checked the column that will be presented in the Access page.
Search can be use to find the target devices. there are multiple way to search for the target device in the search text entry
a. search for the device using the device name (partly or whole) name
b. using the custom field "Device-Loc:TestBench" as the column name:column value
c. or just the column value "TestBench" for an example