In this article, we will show you how to add Nodegrid appliances and its target devices into the Nodegrid OS. In the resulting architecture, from a given Nodegrid OS, you access a set of Nodegrid appliances as Managed Devices and their subsequent Target Devices. It is sometimes an alternative to the Clustering topology. That Nodegrid OS is usually a VM (a NGM), or a high performance appliance, such as a NSR.
First, you have to declare the device, as a "console-server-nodegrid", corresponding to your Nodegrid appliance. In our case it is a Bold SR.
In Managed Devices, click on Add, and fill-in the following fields:
- Type "console_server_nodegrid"
- IP address.
- Username and Password of the Nodegrid appliance.
- Mode: "On-demand".
- End Point: "Appliance".
Secondly, on the appliance (here the BSR) itself, you have to enable the serial port, and optionally, rename it and enable the datalogs. (in Managed Devices :: Devices :: ttyS1 :: Access).
Then, back on the (central) Nodegrid OS, create a discovery template.
In Managed Devices, click on Add, and fill-in the following fields:
- Name: as an example, "TemplateNodegrid".
- Type: "console_server_nodegrid".
- Username and Password (of the appliance).
- Mode: "Disabled".
- End Point: "Serial Port".
Finally, create a discovery rule. In Managed Devices :: Auto Discovery :: Discovery Rules, click on Add. Fill-in the following fields:
- Rule Name: as an example, "Nodegrid".
- Status: "Enabled".
- Discovery Method: "Console Server Ports"
- Action: "Clone (Mode: On-demand)"
- Clone from: "TemplateNodegrid" (the name of the template you just created).
Then, go to Managed Devices :: Auto Discovery :: Discover Now. Select the rule "Nodegrid" (the name of the rule you just created), and click on "Discover Now".
The hierarchical view, with the Nodegrid OS \ Nodegrid Appliances \ Target devices, can be visualized under: Access : Tree.